Join Our Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day Challenge On October 3rd!

New for 2020, we’re excited to host the Take A Kid Mountain Biking Day Virtual Challenge, facilitated by our friends at Compass Outdoor Adventures.

Join in on the day’s all-ages festivities Saturday, October 3rd from any trail, anywhere. Online scavenger hunts, creative challenges, and fun ideas for getting out and riding will make for an inspiring day in a family-friendly and inclusive environment.

The event officially starts at 10am, but pre-ride missions will be released at 6am for those who want a head start! Oh, and did we mention it’s completely free?

Using the Goosechase app as a platform, you and your family (or COVID pod) will be guided through a series of 50 mountain bike-related challenges–  everything from riding your bike, to drawing your favorite trail, to answering quiz questions. For every challenge completed, you’ll earn points in a friendly competition. Don’t feel like competing? No problem. Sit back and use the challenge prompts presented by live hosts at Compass to fuel your day’s mountain bike fun.

Later in the day, a prize package (worth over $1,200!) will be awarded to one lucky team.

Complete your first mission before we start by downloading and printing this cool coloring book page for your kids to color! To get your mission points we will ask for a picture of the awesome finished product! To participate, you must register your team using the link below and download the free Goosechase app.

Register Now!

Questions? See Our Event FAQ’s

Sample Challenges:

•  Helmet Decoration Contest!

•  Mountain Bike Haiku!

•  Draw Your Dream Trail!

•  Local Bike Shop Visit!

•  Bike Skills Challenges!


Event Schedule (all times PST):

6am: Pre-ride missions unlocked (feel free to start the challenge)

10am: Official start to the Challenge, all missions unlocked

4pm: Challenge closed and winner announced via Zoom